For the best possible TIS experience we recommend your system meets the mimimum requirements outlined in the table below. New and updated PC's, operating systems, browsers, and plug-ins are continuously being tested for compatibility and TIS may work with combinations differing from those listed below, but functionaility cannot be guaranteed.
PC Client
Hardware Type
Personal Computer (PC) Hardware
Operating Systems Supported
Windows 10 (32–bit, 64–bit), Windows 11 (32–bit, 64–bit)
Processor Speed
1 GHz or greater
System Memory
Win10: 2GB, Win11: 4GB
Available Disk Space
Win10: 32GB, Win11: 64GB
800 x 600 minimum
Software and Utilities
Web Browsers
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox 21 or later
Google Chrome
(Adobe plugins should be installed without the Google or Yahoo Toolbar)